
Sister Kylie Dawn Hansen

Colorado Denver South Mission
999 East Tufts Ave.
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

First week in Colorado - Jan 5, 2015

Hey everyone! I am alive!
This past week was one of the most crazy weeks of my entire life! I will start with my last week at the MTC.
So we had such an amazing Christmas! Elder Nelson came and blew our minds. One of my favorite things that he said was, "Christ came to pay the price of the debt He didn't owe because we owed a debt that we could not pay."
I have never felt the truth of this more than I do now. In the last few weeks I have learned so much about the Atonement and how much we need it in our lives as I have needed to rely on Him to do everything. The common saying in the MTC is that it is a crash course for you to figure out your weaknesses. Boy is that the truth! 
The rest of the week was filled with more classes, finishing our Spanish textbook and packing. Of all of that I hated packing the most. A lot of people couldn't wait to get out of the MTC but honestly I really miss it! I miss the amazing people it brought into my life, the feeling that is so amazing and the greatest teachers in the world! 
Sunday was a very bittersweet day. It was filled with a ton of goodbyes and pictures and tears. I don't think I have sang "God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again" so many times in my entire life. It's so incredibly depressing! And yet it is filled with so much hope for the future. It reminds me of one of my favorite missionary scriptures Alma 17:13. 
But on the other hand, Sunday was one of the best days of my entire life. Guess why? DAVID ARCHULETA CAME TO THE MTC FOR OUR SUNDAY NIGHT DEVOTIONAL!!! I can't think of a better way to go out! My companion and I almost went nuts! He has such a strong testimony and at points he was crying and I am pretty sure every single Sister Missionary in the room was also. I almost died! 
When he got up to speak/sing he asked if anyone was going to Chile. Not a single person raised their hand. I don't think I have ever wanted my assignment to Chile back as much as I did in that moment! But hey He send us where He needs us.
Sunday night was so flipping sad! I hate crying in front of people but we all know that I am a huge softy. But I held it in pretty well so I was grateful.
Monday morning we got up at 2:30 AM and I bid farewell to my district and my amazing companion and left in a different bus. I would rather not discuss the ride to the airport because it is a memory that I wish not to revisit even though saying that made it happen..
I flew with an Elder going to my mission from Germany. He made Hannah look short. It was kinda ridiculous...but it was fun hearing him speak! 
Once we had checked in to the airport we headed to our gate and lo and behold I saw Hermana Mousley as she was boarding and it made me ridiculously happy to see her once more! 
Our flight was delayed for about an hour so we slept. 
I sat by a man who was really nice and also a member of the FLDS faith...needless to say it was an interesting plane ride but it was so nice to get to know him! 
Our flight was a whole  45 minutes.Then we landed, met the world's most amazing mission president and his wife and headed to the mission office. We had Cafe Rio and then did orientation. It was like the MTC all over again. We slept in that area that night awaiting transfers the next morning. But Colorado decided it would be a fantastic idea to have a huge snow storm so transfers were pushed to Thursday. We spent Tuesday studying all day and then on Wednesday we got to go out with some local missionaries for the day. That was fun but weird.
Thursday I boarded the Transfer train and headed across the mountains to my first area - Eagle Valley. Yup it is in the middle of nowhere but it is really pretty and there is only one companionship (us) in that area so we get the English and Spanish speakers we find. 
I know for a fact that there are no coincidences with God. He knows what He is doing and I witnessed that as I received my Trainer. She is from NY and also speaks French.. Hallelujah! She reminds me so much of Sister Rachel Thomas it is almost scary! So I love her even more.
The mission field feels like being thrown into the middle of Meadow Lake in ID. Why? Well because no one knows how deep that lake is so if you fall in you have no choice but to swim for your life. But imagine all you knew how to do was doggy paddle. Got that mental image? So yep its super fun... But honestly I love it and I know I am here for a reason. I don't know what it is yet or when I will find out but I know there is a purpose. 
I already love the people I have met here! They are so normal which is fantastic and they speak the Spanish I learned at the MTC (Best Two Years Reference) So I understand almost everything they say even though the majority of the time I am not quite sure how to respond. A lot of what I say is complete guess work but they seem to understand me. I know that the Savior is helping me and that He lives. I know that we have the fulness of His gospel on the earth today through the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Restoration. As one of His official representatives I invite all to come to Him. To learn of Him and to do those things that we have seen Him do and those things that He has asked of us. He loves each and every one  of you so very much and so do I. May we all try a little harder to emmulate His example and walk the path He cleared for us.
I leave these things with you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.

 Love all of you!
>Hermana Kylie D. Hansen

>She also said the her mail and packages would need to be sent to the mission office and that they would deliver stuff to her. The address is:
>Sister Kylie Dawn Hansen
Colorado Denver South Mission
999 East Tufts Ave.
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113

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